In my NodeJS app, using Express and TwigJS, and node-mailjet for the email SMTP relay, I have the following logic that renders a template and passes that into an email to be sent:
import config from "../../middleware.config";
const Twig = require('twig'); // Render function
interface emailParameters {
* @param {object} data
* @returns {Promise<any>}
export const returnTemplate = (data:object):Promise<any> => {
return new Promise((resolve)=>{
Twig.renderFile('./views/Email/test.twig', data, (err, html) => {
* @param {emailParameters} options
* @param {object} emailData
export const emailLongPositions = (options:emailParameters,emailData:object) => {
const Mailjet = require('node-mailjet').connect(config.smtp.key, config.smtp.password);
const sendEmail ='send');
const emailData = {
'FromEmail': '[email protected]',
'FromName': 'My Name',
'Subject': 'Subject of Email v2',
'Text-part': res,
'Recipients': [{'Email': options.receipient}]
console.log('success then '+res)
console.log('failed catch '+res)
The email is received, but the email renders raw HTML of my Twig template, but not the populated HTML. It's as if this is being returned as a raw string but not a populated template. What am I missing to send an email with populated HTML?