Twig version - latest
Twig extensions version - latest
I want to avoid html-tags in .po files
Here is text with link inside phrase.
<p>{{ 'Click this <a href="/test/">test link</a>, friend' | trans | raw }}</p>
Using solution from this topic -
<p>{{ 'Click this %a_open%test link%a_close%, friend' | trans({'%a_open%' : '<a href="/test/">', '%a_close%' : '</a>'}) | raw }}</p>
Having PHP-warning
Warning: gettext() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given
Compiled template PHP-code is
echo gettext("Click this %a_open%test link%a_close%, friend", array("%a_open%" => "<a href=\"/test/\">", "%a_close%" => "</a>"));
Found 2 solutions.
trans + replace = gettext() + strtr() You can use named placeholders like %a_open% etc., order of placeholders doesn't matter
trans + format = gettext() + spritf