I have a project in which I use a backgroundworker to do the scanning function from a scanner asynchronously by WIA2. It works well with WIA.
Now I am trying to do the same by scanning with TWAIN. I can scan using TWAIN ok. However when I try to make it work in the background I cannot make it work properly since the event of scanning in TWAIN have a TransferImage handler and a ScanningComplete event handler which get aroused when the scan finishes. The transferImage is ok since it does not affect my background event. However I want to access a panel in the scanningComplete event, make it .Visible = False
A piece of what happens:
Private Sub rBEScan_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles rBEScan.Click
rPScanning.Visible = True
Me.rBEScan.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub bGWScan_DoWork(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles bGWScan.DoWork
Dim path As String = ""
Dim correct As Boolean = False
If scanMode = 1 Then
correct = ScannerRead(path, 1)
images = Nothing
images = New List(Of System.Drawing.Bitmap)
correct = scanTWAIN(gLocalScanner, path)
End If
Dim obj As Object
obj = correct
e.Result = obj
End Sub
Private Sub bGWScan_RunWorkerCompleted(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) _
Handles bGWScan.RunWorkerCompleted
Dim obj As Object
obj = e.Result
Dim lobj As Boolean
lobj = DirectCast(obj, Boolean)
rPScanning.Visible = False
Me.rBEScannerEskaneatu.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Shared Function scanTWAIN(ByVal id As String, ByVal path As String) As Boolean ' prompt to scan more pages,
AddHandler twain.TransferImage,
Sub(sender As Object, args As TwainDotNet.TransferImageEventArgs)
If (Not (args.Image Is Nothing)) Then
End If
End Sub
' Re-enable the form after scanning completes
AddHandler twain.ScanningComplete,
Sub(sender As Object, e As TwainDotNet.ScanningCompleteEventArgs)
'Enabled = True
Dim lobj As String = ""
lobj = FuncionScanner.pdfIrudiraTwain(images, path, gLocalPreguntarRotacion, orritxurisep, orriDok, orriguztiakDok)
PrincipalR.rPScanning.Visible = False
PrincipalR.rBEScan.Enabled = True
End Sub
ScanningFunctionOfTwain With my settings.
End Sub
My problem is that I end the background worker before scanning the images, since the events are handled and aroused in another function that is called asynchronously.
Any idea of how can I put the rPScanning.Visible = False
and rBEScan.Visible = False
When the event within the background worker ends.
If it is not possible should I use another backgroundworker in the eventHandler of the scan pages in TWAIN.
Thank @JQSOFT, As you said I had to use a delegate sub to do handle the panel visibility. Here is the change in the code:
I have put it in a new thread the after scan function and it works well. Since I use the new thread in another class I put the new delegate sub as well.
I pass the panel and the buttonElement byref to the new function which I update in a delegate sub.
Thanks a lot for the help @JQSOFT.
I have post the answer just in case someone else needs.