Tuya python script doesn't connect. Error 501

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When I'm trying to connect to tuya api using tuya_iot library, I get a generic error that says nothing.

I tried this:

from tuya_iot import TuyaOpenAPI, TUYA_LOGGER
import logging


# Cloud project authorization info
ACCESS_ID = 'mysuperID'
ACCESS_KEY = 'mysuperSecretKey'

# For more info, refer to: https://developer.tuya.com/en/docs/iot/api-request?id=Ka4a8uuo1j4t4
ENDPOINT = "https://openapi.tuyaus.com" # Western America Data Center

# Project configuration
USERNAME = '[email protected]'
PASSWORD = 'thePassword of Tuya'

# Initialization of tuya openapi
openapi.connect(USERNAME, PASSWORD)

And I got this:

[2023-11-13 18:44:47,778] [tuya-openapi] Request: method = POST,                 url = https://openapi.tuyaus.com/v1.0/iot-01/associated-users/actions/authorized-login,                params = None,                body = {'username': '[email protected]', 'password': '***', 'country_code': '', 'schema': ''},                t = 1699911887778
[2023-11-13 18:44:48,694] [tuya-openapi] Response: {
  "code": 501,
  "msg": "request fail with unkown error",
  "success": false,
  "t": 1699911889502,
  "tid": "debb0af0826d11ee8088063dea7c5c23"

But I was hoping to get a successful connection.


There are 2 answers

leadvic On BEST ANSWER

After some more research I find out this library which is simpler to use and easier overall. TinyTuya

import tinytuya

# Tuya connection
tuya_api_endpoint = os.getenv('TUYA_API_ENDPOINT')
tuya_access_id = os.getenv('TUYA_ACCESS_ID')
tuya_access_key = os.getenv('TUYA_ACCESS_KEY')

# Connecto to Tuya API
tuya_cloud = tinytuya.Cloud(apiRegion = tuya_api_endpoint, apiKey = tuya_access_id, apiSecret = tuya_access_key)
# API_ENDPOINT: cn, us, us-e, eu, eu-w, or in. Options based on tinytuya python library

And using this one is easier to connect to the Tuya API, as the functions are really straight forward and have great documentation.

leadvic On

I could fix this issue after installing the following library:

pip3 install tuya-connector-python

I found this one on the first step, part 3 of the following documentation: https://developer.tuya.com/en/docs/iot/device-control-best-practice-python?id=Kav4zc0nphsn5

After that I only did:

from tuya_connector import TuyaOpenAPI

# Cloud project authorization info
ACCESS_ID = 'mysuperID'
ACCESS_KEY = 'mysuperSecretKey'

# For more info, refer to: https://developer.tuya.com/en/docs/iot/api-request?id=Ka4a8uuo1j4t4
API_ENDPOINT= 'https://openapi.tuyaus.com' # Western America Data Center
# Init OpenAPI and connect

and it worked just fine.