Trying to use knitr with LaTeX (ShareLatex), but I'm not sure how to upload the datasets in ShareLatex?

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My sharelatex document:




<<echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE>>=

The code must show up here




My R code file named "mycodeTesting.R", which I've uploaded to my Sharelatex directory:

## ---- myrcode1


DF1_Test <- DF1
DF2$ID <- as.numeric(DF2$ID)

colnames(DF1)[14]<- "Patent Sum"
colnames(DF2)[14]<- "Patent Sum"

As you can see, my R code is loading a lot of data that is presaved in dataframes (R.da).

However, my Sharelatex generates errors saying:


## Warning in readChar(con, 5L, useBytes = TRUE): cannot open compressedfile ’/Users/Name/Desktop/Statistics/DF1.Rda’, probablereason ’No such file or directory’

## Error in readChar(con, 5L, useBytes = TRUE): cannot open the connection

In what way can I upload these dataframes so sharelatex can retrieve them through knitr?


There are 1 answers

WoeIs On

I managed to solve my own question. I'm writing the solution in case somebody else has a similar problem.

The solution was as simple as to just upload the .Rda data frames to my Sharelatex directory and then specify the load command as such:


Then it's able to load the data and generate the codes without errors.