I have checked into the following sources for signing into elasticsearch: https://github.com/wizacha/AwsSignatureMiddleware Which I don't want to use because it asks for direct call to secret and key.
https://github.com/jeskew/amazon-es-php Which looked promising, because it uses the PHP SDK routine for authentication from default. But I am getting 500 error whenever I call to index function of the client.
https://docs.aws.amazon.com/aws-sdk-php/v3/guide/service/es-data-plane.html This looks like I can sign in directly with AWS ES SDK, but I don't understand the properties I would need to pass for:
$signedRequest = $signer->signRequest($psr7Request, $credentials);
It says it "assumed in the code below to be named $psr7Request"??? What does that mean, what I am I supposed to pass for the psr7Request?
Can anyone tell me a detailed solution for one of these three options? Thanks in advance.