Trying to rename certain file types within recursive directories

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I have a bunch of files within a directory structure as such:


Sorry for the messy formatting, but as you can see there are files at all different directory levels. All of these file names have a string of 7 numbers appended to them as such: 1234567_filename.ext. I am trying to remove the number and underscore at the start of the filename.

Right now I am using bash and using this oneliner to rename the files using mv and cut:

for i in *; do mv "$i" "$(echo $i | cut -d_ -f2-10)"; done

This is being run while I am CD'd into the directory. I would love to find a way to do this recursively, so that it only renamed files, not folders. I have also used a foreach loop in the shell, outside of bash for directories that have a bunch of folders with files in them and no other subdirectories as such:

foreach$ set p=`echo $f | cut -d/ -f1`
foreach$ set n=`echo $f | cut -d/ -f2 | cut -d_ -f2-10`
foreach$ mv $f $p/$n
foreach$ end

But that only works when there are no other subdirectories within the folders.

Is there a loop or oneliner I can use to rename all files within the directories? I even tried using find but couldn't figure out how to incorporate cut into the code.

Any help is much appreciated.


There are 4 answers

John Bollinger On BEST ANSWER

bash does provide functions, and these can be recursive, but you don't need a recursive function for this job. You just need to enumerate all the files in the tree. The find command can do that, but turning on bash's globstar option and using a shell glob to do it is safer:


shopt -s globstar

# enumerate all the files in the tree rooted at the current working directory
for f in **; do
    # ignore directories
    test -d "$f" && continue

    # separate the base file name from the path
    name=$(basename "$f")
    dir=$(dirname "$f")

    # perform the rename, using a pattern substitution on the name part
    mv "$f" "${dir}/${name/#???????_/}"

Note that that does not verify that file names actually match the pattern you specified before performing the rename; I'm taking you at your word that they do. If such a check were wanted then it could certainly be added.

Cyrus On

With Perl‘s rename (standalone command):

shopt -s globstar
rename -n 's|/[0-9]{7}_([^/]+$)|/$1|' **/*

If everything looks fine remove -n.

globstar: If set, the pattern ** used in a pathname expansion context will match all files and zero or more directories and subdirectories. If the pattern is followed by a /, only directories and subdirectories match.

flu On

How about this small tweak to what you have already:

for i in `find . -type f`; do mv "$i" "$(echo $i | cut -d_ -f2-10)"; done

Basically just swapping the * with `find . -type f`

ghoti On

Should be possible to do this using find...

find -E . -type f \
  -regex '.*/[0-9]{7}_.*\.txt' \
  -exec sh -c 'f="${0#*/}"; mv -v "$0" "${0%/*}/${f#*_}"' {} \;

Your find options may be different -- I'm doing this in FreeBSD. The idea here is:

  • -E instructs find to use extended regular expressions.
  • -type f causes only normal files (not directories or symlinks) to be found.
  • -regex ... matches the files you're looking for. You can make this more specific if you need to.
  • exec ... \; runs a command, using {} (the file we've found) as an argument.

The command we're running uses parameter expansion first to grab the target directory and second to strip the filename. Note the temporary variable $f, which is used to address the possibility of extra underscores being part of the filename.

Note that this is NOT a bash command, though you can of course run it from the bash shell. If you want a bash solution that does not require use of an external tool like find, you may be able to do the following:

$ shopt -s extglob   # use extended glob format
$ shopt -s globstar  # recurse using "**"
$ for f in **/+([0-9])_*.txt; do f="./$f"; echo mv "$f" "${f%/*}/${f##*_}"; done

This uses the same logic as the find solution, but uses bash v4 extglob to provide better filename matching and globstar to recurse through subdirectories.

Hope these help.