Trying to preserve carriage returns when using <cfpdfform>

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I'm pushing HTML forms data into PDFs using the <cfpdfform> tag and XML data created from the HTML post with XMLFormat().

For the life of me, I can't preserve carriage returns.

My strategy has been to replace the CRLF ( chr(13) & chr(10) ) in the post with a character string that survives the XMLFormat() and appropriately controls the text layout in the PDF.

I've tried HTML, HTML Entities, \n, etc. The only string that had any affect on the output other than to appear exactly as sent, was this &#x000D;&#x000A;

Unfortunately, that string (or individually either character of it) removes some of the surrounding text. But it was the only string that had any affect.

How do I preserve carriage returns? Does anyone know?

Thanks for any input you may have.


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