Trying to parse with Mojo and perl

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I'm failing miserably. I want to parse the following URL:

And capture these three sections: * All * News * Press Releases

Here's what I've come up with..


use Mojo::UserAgent;
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';

my $ua_string = "Mozila .. ";
my $url       = "";
my $timeout   = "5";

my $ua        = Mojo::UserAgent->new( max_redirects => 5, timeout => $timeout );

my $content = $ua->get($url)->res->dom->at('#436')->{value};

say $content;

Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks


There are 1 answers

user3606329 On

The way you access the DOM is not correct.

An example to parse parts of the news section would be:

say $ua->get($url)->res->dom->at('div#quoteNewsStream-0-Stream')->all_text;