Trying to inline a HyperLinkButton in a TextBlock

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I'm adding Inlines to a TextBlock. The Run() inlines work. Of course the Hyperlink() is deprecated in Windows 8 (using Windows.UI.Xaml.Documents) for some reason, so I'm trying to encapsulate a HyperlinkButton in an InlineUIContainer using C#. I know the concept is sound, but my code is failing.

if I comment out the line "using Windows.UI.Xaml.Documents;" then I get the two surrounding inlines to show up in my ListView (which uses the method below.) If this line is uncommented, the Inlines.Add for 'link' is throwing. What am I doing wrong?

    public TextBlock enrichPostText(anFullPost post)
        TextBlock text_block = new TextBlock();
        var holdText = new Run();
        holdText.Text = "Test start >> ";

        HyperlinkButton linkButton = new HyperlinkButton();
        linkButton.NavigateUri = new Uri("");
        linkButton.Content = "click me";
        linkButton.Name = "_blank";

        InlineUIContainer link = new InlineUIContainer();
        link.Child = linkButton;


        var holdText2 = new Run();
        holdText2.Text = " << end test.";

        return (text_block);

There are 2 answers

mztan On

I just tried changing my RichTextBlock to a TextBlock, and I'm also seeing an ArgumentException get thrown when I try to add the InlineUIContainer. The only solution I know is to use RichTextBlock instead; so far it's been suiting my needs.

Real World On

Just found this on MSDN which might be helpful. Apparently TextBlock content model does not support InlineUIContainers so it will throw an exception.