Trying to add images (tiles) to a map

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Image of project structure:

I'm quite sure that it is my link that doesn't work. I've tried:

"ms-appx:/TileImages/{0}/{1}/{2}", "ms-appx:///TileImages/{0}/{1}/{2}", "ms-appx:///Local/TileImages/{0}/{1}/{2}", "ms-appdata:///Local/TileImages/{0}/{1}/{2}", 

but nothing seems to work.

But when I try another link "{0}/{1}/{2}" it works.  

namespace BingMapsWindowsStoreApp

public sealed partial class MainPage: Page
private string MyLink = "ms-appx:/TileImages/{0}/{1}/{2}.png";
public MainPage()

protected async override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
MapTileLayer layer = new MapTileLayer();
layer.GetTileUri += layer_GetTileUri;
private async void layer_GetTileUri(object sender, GetTileUriEventArgs e)
e.Uri = this.CreateTileUri(e);
private Uri CreateTileUri(GetTileUriEventArgs e)
return new Uri(string.Format(MyLink, e.LevelOfDetail, e.X, e.Y));

There are 1 answers

Marcus Håkansson On

The MapTileLayer class in Bing Maps is designed to only access map tiles that are hosted online.