So I have a web site where you can login with a username and a password and I would like that with that one login, a session could be generated for converse.js
I've been reading the documentation and the SSO Support and I ended in an example repo for prebinding with php. link
I prepared an object wich should be the model I'll call from my controller, but there are some parameters I'm not sure what they are.
$xmppPrebind = new XmppPrebind('your-jabber-host.tld', 'http://your-jabber-host/http-bind/', 'Your XMPP Clients resource name', false, false);
$xmppPrebind->connect($username, $password);
$sessionInfo = $xmppPrebind->getSessionInfo(); // array containing sid, rid and jid
The 3rd parameter on the XmppPrebind Constructor 'Your XMPP clients resource name' what is that?
Also when doing the connect function the parameters $username and $password...are those the one I get from my loging form (the one on my website) or some valid user & password pair on the openfire server?