I have this code
@views.route("/new_client", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def new_client():
client_id = Cliente.query.order_by(db.desc(Cliente.mod_time)).first().id + 1
iRm = 0.003659
if request.method == 'POST':
data = request.form.to_dict()
#Informações pessoais
mod_time = datetime.now()
client_name = data['fName']
cpf = data['cpf']
client_bday = data['birthday']
civilState = data['civilState']
email = data['inputEmail4']
phone = data['phone']
address = data['address']
occupation = data['occupation']
workplace = data['workplace']
investProf = data['investProf']
txtboxes = list()
client_bday = datetime.strptime(client_bday,'%Y-%m-%d')
for i in range(1,18):
cliente = Cliente(mod_time=mod_time, name=client_name, cpf=cpf, birthday=client_bday,
civil_state=civilState, email=email,phone=phone,address=address,
occupation=occupation, workplace=workplace, investor_profile= investProf,
txt_dict_1=txtboxes[0], txt_dict_2=txtboxes[1], txt_dict_3=txtboxes[2],
txt_dict_4=txtboxes[3], txt_dict_5=txtboxes[4], txt_dict_6=txtboxes[5],
txt_dict_7=txtboxes[6], txt_dict_8=txtboxes[7], txt_dict_9=txtboxes[8],
txt_dict_10=txtboxes[9], txt_dict_11=txtboxes[10], txt_dict_12=txtboxes[11],
txt_dict_13=txtboxes[12], txt_dict_14=txtboxes[13], txt_dict_15=txtboxes[14],
txt_dict_16=txtboxes[15], txt_dict_17=txtboxes[16], user_id=current_user.id)
if len(client_name) == 0:
flash('Insira o nome do cliente.', category='error')
elif len(str(client_bday)) == 0:
flash('Insira a data de nascimento', category='error')
"...lots of code..."
return redirect(url_for('views.graphs', id = cliente.id))
return render_template("new_client.html", user=current_user, rate=iRm, id = client_id)
it should redirect to this route below:
@views.route("/report/<int:id>", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def graphs(id):
"...graph plot code..."
return render_template('reports.html', user=current_user, objGraphs=graphs)
but when i click the submit button in the new_client page, i receive the success message in the terminal " - - [26/May/2023 11:51:46] "GET /report/16 HTTP/1.1" 200 -", but the page stay still and doesn't redirect.
what am i doing wrong?