Trouble Uploading Content on TikTok via Selenium: Need Help Resolving Issues

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I am encountering difficulties while attempting to automate the content uploading process on TikTok using the Selenium automation tool. Specifically, when I execute the script and click on the 'upload content' button, the content does not get posted as expected. Instead, TikTok prompts me if I would like to upload another piece of content.

In contrast, when I manually upload a video on TikTok, the platform waits for the video to be completely uploaded before asking if I would like to upload another one. The discrepancy in behavior between manual and automated uploads is the primary issue.

This is my current code{

post_btn = self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//\*@id="root"\]/div/div/div/div\[2\]/div\[2\]/div\[2\] /div\[8\]/div\[2\]/button')


WebDriverWait(self.driver, 60).until(EC.invisibility_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//\[@id="root"\]/div/div/div/div\[2\]/div\[2\]/div\[2\]/div\[9\]/div/div\[1\]/div/div\[1\]')))

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