Trouble updating my site to Drupal 7.34. Maybe problems connecting programs to webserver

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I am new to this, and I hope someone can help me with the supposedly simple task of downloading an update of Drupal. A few months ago I finally created a website at Unoeuro and with Drupal. I even got around to chose themes and put content in.

My system: Windows 7, Webserver Apache, host: Unoeuro, run Drupal 7.32 just fine, besides the warning message on most of the pages on my site's Admin.

Problem: A little while ago Drupal started saying "There is a security update available for your version of Drupal. To ensure the security of your server, you should update immediately! See the available updates page for more information and to install your missing updates."

When I follow the link, it says: "Manual updates required" and "Updates of Drupal core are not supported at this time." Do you think THAT is the reason, why I can't make it work? However, since there is a link to the latest update, Drupal 7.34. and it is coloured red and looks like I need it.

When I follow the Update link, I'm told to download it through one of three methods- After checking my Systemrequirements through, reading the Installation Guide, and downloading and extracting the 7.34 zip-file with Zipwizzard, my command prompt doesn't know, what I'm talking about.

I've tried alsmost every combination of methods, both the Drush and Command Prompt, and different zip-files and tar-files and extracting in every command prompt. Problem: It seems like none of them are not connected to a 'prober Drupal environment', as they say.

I've tried changing the PATH to the drupal-7.34 folder, where the environment should be (I suppose, because I just downloaded it). But the command prompt still says '... is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file' or that the command is not made in a 'prober Drupal Environment'.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong and I hope someone can give me a hint about it.


There are 1 answers

britter On

Bro you need to be in the correct folder to use drush to update your site. If you are running a non-multi site instance move to [drupal_root]/sites/all and run the command "drush up", press y a few times and enjoy. SO thats:

PS using -y on drush up means you don't have to press y multiple times.

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