I am following the Vundle install instructions from https://github.com/gmarik/vundle
but I run into trouble at step #3 (issuing the command :BundleInstall
from within VIM). I get an error, E492: Not an editor command: BundleInstall
I am running Ubuntu 13.10 (64 bit) and have the following VIM related packages installed:
dpkg --get-selections | grep vim
vim install
vim-addon-manager install
vim-common install
vim-doc install
vim-runtime install
vim-scripts install
vim-tiny install
They are all default versions from the Ubuntu Saucy repos.
I have the output of my vim :version
,$tree ~/.vim
, and echo $PATH
Attributes of my .vimrc file:
$ ls -la | grep .vimrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1027 Dec 24 15:28 .vimrc
Contents of my .vimrc file: http://pastebin.com/RKYzBZZG
If you can think of anything else that might be helpful in diagnosing the problem, please let me know.
I think you should not have vunlde installed correctly.