Trouble compliling miktex 2.8 on ubuntu 11.10

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I'm trying to compile miktex 2.8 on ubuntu 11.10. I've installed all the necessary libs. But when compiling the source, I get this kind of error:

RepositoryTableModel.cpp:(.text+0x48b): undefined reference to QAbstractItemModel::headerData(int, Qt::Orientation, int) const'
RepositoryTableModel.cpp:(.text+0x4c8): undefined reference to `QMetaObject::tr(char const*, char const*) const'
RepositoryTableModel.cpp:(.text+0x4d7): undefined reference to `QVariant::QVariant(QString const&)'
RepositoryTableModel.cpp:(.text+0x4f1): undefined reference to `QString::free(QString::Data*)'
RepositoryTableModel.cpp:(.text+0x518): undefined reference to `QMetaObject::tr(char const*, char const*) const'
RepositoryTableModel.cpp:(.text+0x527): undefined reference to `QVariant::QVariant(QString const&)'
RepositoryTableModel.cpp:(.text+0x545): undefined reference to `QString::free(QString::Data*)'
RepositoryTableModel.cpp:(.text+0x570): undefined reference to `QMetaObject::tr(char const*, char const*) const'
RepositoryTableModel.cpp:(.text+0x57f): undefined reference to `QVariant::QVariant(QString const&)'
RepositoryTableModel.cpp:(.text+0x59d): undefined reference to `QString::free(QString::Data*)'
RepositoryTableModel.cpp:(.text+0x5c8): undefined reference to `QMetaObject::tr(char const*, char const*) const'
RepositoryTableModel.cpp:(.text+0x5d7): undefined reference to `QVariant::QVariant(QString const&)'
RepositoryTableModel.cpp:(.text+0x5f5): undefined reference to `QString::free(QString::Data*)'
RepositoryTableModel.cpp:(.text+0x620): undefined reference to `QMetaObject::tr(char const*, char const*) const'
RepositoryTableModel.cpp:(.text+0x62f): undefined reference to `QVariant::QVariant(QString const&)'
RepositoryTableModel.cpp:(.text+0x64d): undefined reference to `QString::free(QString::Data*)'

These are just few of them. I thought there were some missing libs, I installed the Qt SDK but still getting the same problem.

Can anyone help?


There are 1 answers

sarnold On

Try this:

apt-get install libqt4-dev

You need the -dev versions of library packages to provide the header files that declare new data types, function prototypes, etc. (Most library packages provide a -dev version, though a handful provide the headers in the main package.)