I am having trouble authenticating each parallel worker once per test with different accounts that have different permissions roles. I have been following playwrights authentication docs. What i have so far is that tests will authenticate each worker separately, but only with hardcoded admin role. However for the life of me i cannot figure out how to parameterize my tests to run as both admin and viewer. This is my extended test so far and ideally i would pass an user to my authenticate function.
EDIT: I have figured that i can pass metadata to my tests via playwright config
metadata: {user: ORG_VIEWER},
and read it inside my extended test that authenticates individual workers like so
const user = test.info().project?.metadata?.user;
Hoping that there is still a better way of doing this.
export type TestOptions = { user: TestUser }
export const test = baseTest.extend<TestOptions, { workerStorageState: string }>({
storageState: ({ workerStorageState }, use) => use(workerStorageState),
user: ORG_ADMIN, // Set default user and maybe override from test??
// Authenticate once per worker with a worker-scoped fixture.
workerStorageState: [
async ({
// user --- Property 'user' does not exist on type '{ workerStorageState: string; } & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions'.
}, use) => {
// potential solution is to pass metadata from playwright config const user = test.info().project?.metadata?.user;
const id = test.info().parallelIndex;
const fileName = path.resolve(test.info().project.outputDir, `.auth/${id}.json`);
if (fs.existsSync(fileName)) {
await use(fileName);
// Authenticate with given user
await authenticate(
// user); -- Doesnt work since user is not available in this scope
{ scope: 'worker' },
This is my thought process behind playwright config.
export default defineConfig<TestOptions>({
...nxE2EPreset(__filename, { testDir: './e2e' }),
expect: {
timeout: 15000,
projects: [
name: 'shell',
testMatch: '*viewer.spec.ts',
use: {
name: 'shell',
testMatch: '*admin.spec.ts',
use: {
user: ORG_ADMIN,
Any help is appreciated.