I want to send photos and videos via telegram bot written in aiogram. But I encountered a problem with the link to this video/photo. My link looks like this: f"https://api.telegram.org/file/bot{bot.token}/{file_info.file_path}" The thing is that I can open this link in the browser and it will download. But as for automated systems, they simply can't reach this link Here's telegram log ( other automated systems didn't provide any error logs, they just show nothing ):
raise TelegramBadRequest(method=method, message=description)
aiogram.exceptions.TelegramBadRequest: Telegram server says - Bad Request: failed to get HTTP URL content
Here's my code snippet:
from aiogram import Bot, Dispatcher, F
from aiogram.types import Message
from config_new import BOT_TOKEN2
import asyncio
from aiogram.filters import CommandStart
bot = Bot(BOT_TOKEN2)
dp = Dispatcher()
async def start(msg: Message):
async def info(msg: Message):
file_id = msg.photo[-1].file_id
file_info = await bot.get_file(file_id)
photo_url = f"https://api.telegram.org/file/bot{BOT_TOKEN2}/{file_info.file_path}"