Trim Function doesn't Work

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Hi (sorry for my english xD),

I'm taking data of my DB in MySql, this data (pair of players in format 'Player 1 - Player 2'). I cut this with explode function by character - therefore I get 'Player 1 ' and ' Player 2' string. I try delete white spaces at the beginning and the end with trim function, but this don't work. I suspect that this trouble is similar to other with the - character, the normal - of my keyboard don't split the string with explode function, I had to go to PHPMyAdmin and copy the - character of the one existing string and paste this in the second explode function parameter, after this, explode function work.

I try the same of the - character (Login in PHPMyAdmin copy one whitespace and paste this as second parameter of trim function but this time don't work :( ).

Also try with str_replace function (no matter what the gaps are eliminated) and don't work, also try with preg_replace function etc... nothing has work because apparently the white space saved in DB isn't the same of my keyboard, I suspect that the problem is related with charset's or collations but I don't have idea what I should do, because the table, link, charset of PHP and other thing are in UTF-8 and utf8-spanish-ci collation and charset.

Aclaration: The input of the data is made by xdom (PHP) from other site not controlled for me.

<?php while ($partidos = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) { ?>
        <td class="center"><?php echo $partidos['fecha']; ?></td>
        <td><?php $participante = explode("₋", $partidos['jugadores']);
            $participante1 = trim($participante[0]);
            $participante2 = trim($participante[1]);

            echo trim($participante1) . "<br>vs<br>" . trim($participante2);
        <td><?php if ($partidos['estado'] == 0) { ?> En Curso<?php } elseif ($partidos['estado'] == 1) {
                if ($partidos['alerta'] == 0) { ?> Terminado<?php } else { ?>Terminado - Error <i
                    class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i><?php }
            } ?></td>
        <td><?php if ($partidos['alerta_medica'] == 1) { ?> Si <i class="fa fa-2 fa-medkit"
                                                                  style="color:#C00;"></i><?php } else { ?> No<?php } ?>
        <?php if ($_SESSION['tipo'] == 1 || $_SESSION['tipo'] == 2) { ?>
            <td class="center">
        <?php } ?>
<?php } ?>

Screenshot from command line


There are 2 answers


I found the problem thanks to @Rick James, watching the hexadecimal response of the database i noticed that two spaces are x20, but one is xC2 xA0. Reading in other post of stackoverflow, i found that xC2 xA0 is a Non-break space, but this is not recognized for the trim function. The solution was specify this as second parameter of the function:

$participante1 = trim($participante[0],"\x20,\xC2,\xA0");
$participante2 = trim($participante[1],"\x20,\xC2,\xA0");

Now the whitespaces are removed correctly :3

Thanks to all for give your help to solve this :)

Alex Andrei On

Since you have 3 blanks on either side of the special character split the strings by 3 spaces.

like this:


foreach( $strings as $string) {
    $players = explode("   ",$string);
    print "Player 1: " . $players[0]  . PHP_EOL;
    print "Player 2: " . $players[2]  . PHP_EOL;