I'm having a bit of trouble with the click event on Bing Maps. I've got an array of stores and I can put all the pin and click events (to open a infobox) with no problems
var STORES = [
id: 123,
lat: 1.23456789,
lng: -1.23456789,
name: 'AEVA'
for (var i = 0; i < STORES.length; i++) {
var pinOptions: {icon: 'map-pin.png?id'+STORES[i].id, width: 29, height: 52},
LatLng = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(STORES[i].lat, STORES[i].lng),
pin = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(LatLng, pinOptions);
pin.content = '<p>'+STORES[i].name+'</p>';
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pin, 'click', displayInfobox);
Now the problem is, when the user arrives at the page through the search page, wich basically adds an hashtag with the id, for example /stores#id123
I want the map to open automatically the box with that id, so I've added this code
var hash = window.location.hash;
hash = hash.replace("#", "");
var pin = $('img[src*="?'+hash+'"]').parent();
But it just won't work. I've also tried
Microsoft.Maps.Events.invoke(a, 'click');
But nothing happened, does anyone have any solution, to trigger the event click?
function expects entity object and not Html element. An Entity can be any one of the following types: Infobox, Polygon, Polyline, Pushpin, TileLayer, or EntityCollection.Having said that you could consider the following approach for finding Pushpin: