Trial Subscription order numbers

173 views Asked by At

According to Google's documentation, orderId field of the INAPP_PURCHASE_DATA should be formatted in a way that you can figure out an recurrence number from it.

"GPA.1234-5678-9012-34567" (base order number)
"GPA.1234-5678-9012-34567..0" (first recurrence orderID)
"GPA.1234-5678-9012-34567..1" (second recurrence orderID)
"GPA.1234-5678-9012-34567..2" (third recurrence orderID)

When it comes to free trials, things get unclear. I would expect the behaviour to follow the same pattern:

  1. user starts a trial, orderId will be base order number
  2. trial ends and user is charged for the first time, orderId will indicate first recurrence

As test purchases don't include orderId, the only way to test this is to start a real trial and check results in (minimum) seven days. Can therefore anyone confirm this?

Further on, let's say user cancels trial immediately and starts a subscription right after that? Google will make sure user gets charged and all, but will orderId be a base order again or next recurrence?


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