Is there a way to get the current ID of the board currently using the power-up?
something like this in my client.js
var Promise = TrelloPowerUp.Promise;
// Start adding handlers for your capabilities here!
'current-board': function(t, options){
console.log(boardId) // I want to get the board's Id
'card-buttons': function(t, options) {
return t.set("member", "shared", "hello", "world")
return [{
text: 'Estimate Size',
callback: function(t) {
return t.popup({
title: "Estimation",
url: 'estimate.html',
when the powerup is Initialize I want to console log the board Id
The following code can be used inside your client.js file to fetch the board id or name and so on.
The above code works for
as well as for cards liket.card('name')