I was trying to integrate the Trello authentication flow for a server side application (using Java).
Now If I do the OAuth dance manually I'm able to get the OAuth access token and I can make API calls (so far so good).
BUT when using in production the callback POST to my server does not carry the oauth_token and oauth_verifier or code query string parameters ... instead it delivers the token as a URL fragment
This is useless for a server side application as fragments are omitted by the browser and are never recieved on the backend side.
So I'm not able to perform the last step - getting the access token!
Now is there a way to get the OAuth callback to call my server the correct way (as specified), the two provided options postMessage and fragment will not work for a server side implementation.
I have read:
- https://developers.trello.com/authorize
- https://trello.com/c/fD8ErOzA/26-getting-a-user-token-and-oauth-urls
and it seems other developers have similar issues.
Now I can make the user copy past the verification code manually ... but this is not user friendly.