TransmitFile security issue in IE and word

535 views Asked by At

I'm trying to transfer a file (word document) from my server to the client

I'm using this :


In IE when I click open of the download popup, everything is ok and word open with my document.

The problem is when I click the save button in word, it pop me a security/connection popup. I have to give a username/password for


There are 1 answers


That is normal behaviour since Word handles files opened via browser differently - it tries to verify whether they are "WebDAV-accessible" and uses some MS-specific extensions in doing so... that in turn doesn't use your current browser session but tries/needs to establish a new which in turn leads to Word askting you for credentials.

IF you want to just download it locally you could by using a content-disposition header - this way Word sees it as a local file and tries to save it locally upon "Word save button press".

IF you really want it to be saved back to your site it gets a bit tricky... although as you are running on IIS you might be able to implement something in combination with the IIS-built-in WebDAV functionality...

EDIT - as per comments:

For how to use content-disposition http header see for example