I am trying to create a python3 application (in PyQt5) for transfer function estimation (which I have already estimated it via Matlab System Identification, so I know how it should look like with specific parameters) which the user is importing csv input/output data, and defining (which are the same as in Matlab):
- number of zeros and poles
- Continuous or discrete
- initial conditions to be estimated by the algorithm or be randomly generated
- maximum iterations
- tolerance
The program is giving a transfer function but it is nowhere close to the output data also the first coefficients of the zeros and poles are always 1 (for 1 zero and 2 poles). If it is needed the sample time is 5 seconds.
Could you please suggest anything at this point? Any variant of the code would be appreciated as well.
def estimate_lm():
num_zeros = int(entry_zeros.text())
num_poles = int(entry_poles.text())
time_type = entry_time.text()
init_conditions = entry_init_cond.text()
max_iterations = int(entry_iterations.text())
tolerance = float(entry_tolerance.text())
def transfer_function(params, t):
zeros = params[:num_zeros]
poles = params[num_zeros:]
tf = TransferFunction(zeros, poles)
lti_sys = lti(tf.num, tf.den) # Create LTI system from transfer function
_, output_estimate, _ = lti_sys.output(U=self.input_data, T=t) # Calculate output
return output_estimate
def cost_function(params, t, y):
return transfer_function(params, t) - y
initial_guess = np.ones(num_zeros + num_poles)
result = least_squares(cost_function, initial_guess, args=(np.arange(len(self.input_data)), self.output_data),
method='lm', max_nfev=max_iterations, ftol=tolerance)
self.params = result.x
self.num_zeros = num_zeros
self.num_poles = num_poles
print("Estimation completed using LM method")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in estimation: {e}")
This is the result of estimation:
I have tried many methods including hard-coded parameters but the result does not change!