Transfer from Column Major to Row Major

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I'm trying to convert an algorithm, which is written in Fortran and uses column major ordering to C using row major ordering. The algorithm uses gemv blas calls.

I altered the calls for row major layout as in the cblas interface:

  • toggle transpose flag
  • swap of M and N
  • alter leading dimensions

But the algorithm doesn't behave equal. I'm getting different results. I created a minimal sample which shows the behaviour.

#include <stdio.h>

void dgemv_( const char * t, const int * m, const int * n, const double * alpha, const double * A, const int *lda, const double * X, const int * incx, 
    const double * beta, double * Y, const int *incy );

int main()
    const int M = 2, N = 2;
    const int one = 1;
    const double alpha = -1.0, beta = 1.0;
    const char trans = 'T';
    const char noTrans = 'N';

    double Yc[4] = { 0x1.42c7bd3b6266cp+4, 0x1.6c6ff393729dp+4, 0x1.acee1f3938c0bp-2, 0x1.b0cd5ba440d93p+0 };
    double Yr[4] = { 0x1.42c7bd3b6266cp+4, 0x1.acee1f3938c0bp-2, 0x1.6c6ff393729dp+4, 0x1.b0cd5ba440d93p+0 };

    double A[2] = { 0x1.11acee560242ap-2, 0x1p+0 };

    double Bc[2] = { 0x1.8p+2, 0x1.cp+2 };
    double Br[2] = { 0x1.8p+2, 0x1.cp+2 };

    dgemv_( &noTrans, &M, &N, &alpha, Yc, &M, A, &one, &beta, Bc, &one );

    printf("Result Column Major\n");
    printf("%a %a\n", Bc[0], Bc[1]);

    dgemv_( &trans, &N, &M, &alpha, Yr, &N, A, &one, &beta, Br, &one );

    printf("Result Row Major\n");
    printf("%a %a\n", Br[0], Br[1]);

I used the format string %a to get the hexadecimal representation of the values to compare them. The resulting vector using column major version looks like:

0x1.8402515a17beap-3 -0x1.8e67415bce3aep-1

While to one in row major looks like these:

0x1.8402515a17bep-3 -0x1.8e67415bce3bp-1

How is this explainable and what can be done, to make the algorithms works equal?


There are 1 answers

roygvib On

If the results are compared with decimal representation

double x = 0x1.8402515a17beap-3, y = 0x1.8402515a17bep-3;
printf( "%40.30f\n", x );
printf( "%40.30f\n", y );
printf( "%40.30f\n", x - y );

they agree up to 15 significant figures


so the difference seems sufficiently small for double-precision calculation with double. As for -0x1.8e67415bce3aep-1 and -0x1.8e67415bce3bp-1, the difference is also below 1.0e-15.


To obtain even better agreement, quadruple (or higher) precision is probably necessary.