When I upload a folder that has ".svn" subfolders to ftp, the ".svn" folders are uploaded too. is it possible to make total commander ignore ".svn" folders when uploading to ftp? I'd rather not use "export" option in the svn, because I have to upload new files very often and exporting takes time, so it's very inconvenient...
total commander ignoring svn folders on ftp upload
2.7k views Asked by mike27 At
There are 4 answers

I don't know if you can solve the problem with Total Commander but here is a different solution: You should export your stuff from the repository with svn export PATH1 PATH2
(see documentation). The exported version does not contain any svn meta data (like the .svn folders).
I don't know how you can do that with total commander, but I do know you can do this with Filezilla. You go to view->filename filters (or ctrl-i) and select CVS and SVN directories under the local filters. Now you can upload stuff to the server without having the CVS or SVN files uplaoded:)