I am attempting to implement get_current_user in the RequestHandler for Tornado, but I need the call to block while waiting on the asynchronous call to my database. Decorating the call with @tornado.web.asynchronous will not work because either way the get_current_user method returns before the async query completes and the query callback is executed.
For example:
class MyHandler(BaseHandler):
def get(self):
class BaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get_current_user(self):
def query_cb(self, doc):
return doc or None
database.get(username='test', password='t3st', callback=query_cb)
@tornado.web.authenticated calls get_current_user, but always receives "None" because the BaseHandler does not have time to respond. Is there a way, using tornado, to temporarily block for a call such as the one above?
How about having
return aFuture
that you signal when the asynchronous response from your database is returned?