I am working on a project in Unity which was created using the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) project template. I have imported this asset pack from the Unity Asset Store -> https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/animals/quirky-series-free-animals-pack-178235
When I opened up the demo scene, I found that all the materials were pink.
The materials use a Toon/SoftSurface Shader.
In the Edit > Project Settings > Graphics, there is a URP asset selected for the render pipeline:
The Toon/SoftSurface shader does not appear under URP:
Going to
Edit > Rendering > Materials > Convert Selected Materials to URP.
This message pops up:
I have also tried
Window > Rendering > Render Pipeline Converter
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Currently using Unity Editor version 2022.3.10f1
On the developers website, I've just discovered that they have instructions on how to resolve the issue: https://www.omabuarts.com/urp-for-quirky-series/
By selecting the materials and changing the shader slot to Shader Graph > SoftSurfaceGraph, the materials are fixed!