Is there a tool that is able to collect and count (Java) stacktraces in a large logfile, such that you get an overview which errors occur most often?
Tool to count stacktraces in a logfile
323 views Asked by Dr. Hans-Peter Störr At
There are 3 answers

I'm not too sure if there is a tool available to evaluate log files but you may have more success with a tool like AppDynamics. This is a monitoring tool which can be used to evaluate Live application performance and can be configured to monitor exception frequency.
Good luck.

I am not aware of any automatic tool but logmx will give you a nice clean overview of your log file with search options.
This probably isn't the best answer but I am going to try to answer the spirit of your question. You should try Dynatrace. It's not free and it doesn't work with log files per say but it can get you very detail reports of what types of exceptions are thrown from where and when on top of a lot of other info.