I have two databases on a remote machine and I want to use those in CMT
on TomEE 7.0.2
. I configured two XA datasources in my tomee.xml
and I encountered a login issue. The application server is not able to create the datasources as it encounters an error. The username and password is correctly set in the xml. I created a test to check if the ojdbc7.jar
does something nasty, but it is able to log in as it should.
The problem
I debugged TomEE
to check the packages with wireshark
as well. The problem seems to be inside TomEE
. The request sent to the oracle machine contains the following:
As You can see this connection data tries to use the osuser instead of the user specified in the tomee.xml
I tried different configurations as well based on http://tomee.apache.org/datasource-config.html.
How can I configure TomEE
to use the provided user and password for the database connection?
Default PasswordCipher
is PlainText
it is included to make it sure.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Resource id="oracleDS" type="DataSource">
XaDataSource oracleXADS
DataSourceCreator dbcp-alternative
<Resource id="oracleXADS" type="XADataSource" class-name="oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource">
Url jdbc:oracle:thin:@
Username user
PasswordCipher PlainText
Password pass
<Resource id="postgreDS" type="DataSource">
XaDataSource postgreXADS
DataSourceCreator dbcp-alternative
<Resource id="postgreXADS" type="XADataSource" class-name="org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource">
Url jdbc:postgresql://
Username user
PasswordCipher PlainText
Password pass
Also tried this format:
<Resource id="oracleXADS" type="javax.sql.XADataSource" class-name="oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource">
url = jdbc:oracle:thin:@
userName = user
passwordCipher = PlainText
password = pass
<persistence-unit name="oraDS" transaction-type="JTA">
<persistence-unit name="pgDS" transaction-type="JTA">
Test file with the same ojdbc7.jar
relevant parts of TestDatasource.java
System.out.println("Oracle JDBC Driver Registered!");
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@", "user", "pass");
//connection is checked and it is OK
relevant TestXADatasource.java
OracleXADataSource oxds = new OracleXADataSource();
XAConnection pc = oxds.getXAConnection();
Connection conn1 = pc.getConnection();
//connection is checked and it is OK
Other not working solutions:
I checked the following but those are not the solutions for my problem:
A) I do not have the factory
property which caused the problem according to the accepted answer.
B) I use the latest Oracle driver, and the database is 12 as well, despite that I created the simple test provided below.
A) I am using linux on both machines and I am on a different aplication server with Java
There are a few points to make here:
OS user part
The driver sends this information not as part of the authentication process but as environment to start the login. This means that the login value is sent in different request. If you follow the
stream usingCANARY
as password and user you can check if it is contained in any form in the request. The mentioned configurations will NOT contain it.The real problem
The real problem is that http://tomee.apache.org/datasource-config.html is wrong. The
is not a valid declaration of the username. The valid declaration is as follows:TL.DR.: The documentation is wrong. After the only change userName->user was made to the posted configuration the
stream contained the necessary username and the login was successful. (The ApacheTomEE
mailing list is notified on the problem.)