I've created a rectangle using raphael.js.
var rect = paper.rect(x,y,width,height);
Assume that x, y, width and height has some values.
I'd like to add in a mouse click handler that'll toggle the rectangle's "fill" colour on click.
Other than using 'if...else...', how can I toggle the colour between 'red' and 'green' on click?? something that'll replace "if...else..." in the following function:
var colour = 'red';
rect.node.onclick = function(){
if (colour == 'red') colour = 'green';
else if (colour == 'green') colour = 'red';
var fill = 'red';
rect.node.onclick = function(){
fill = (fill == 'red') ? 'green': 'red';
this.setAttribute("fill", fill);
I can now see my fill toggling between red and green on my console. but it doesn't change the actual rectangle's colour.
How about:
That should work even if no fill color is set.