Toggle haml accordion

514 views Asked by At

I have an accordion from an image that says "Tell Me More" that shows a list when clicked. Right now the accordion is automatically set to show the full list and then when clicked collapses the accordion. I want it to do the opposite- to have the list initially collapsed. Any ideas on how to do this?

        %a.accordion-toggle{'data-toggle' => 'collapse', 'data-parent' => "#accordion", 'href' => '#collapse1'}
          =image_tag "tell_me_more.jpg", class: "img-responsive"
                  %span 1.
                %dt Sample Text

There are 1 answers

Florent Ferry On

You can use hide method to hide it.


And use toggle method to reveal or hide on click.

$('.accordion-toggle').on('click', function() {