I run by using the function tfrwv.m in Time-Frequency Toolbox
[B,T,F] = tfrwv(data, 1:length(data), length(data), 1);
B(1:130, :) = 0; % remove the duplicate part of the distribution
imagesc(T, F, abs(B));
xlabel('t [s]');
ylabel('f [Hz]');
I get
The frequency should be within [0,180] Hz and time [0,2.5s].
How can you scale time and frequency to the real values?
The manuals says
%TFRWV Wigner-Ville time-frequency distribution.
% [TFR,T,F]=TFRWV(X,T,N,TRACE) computes the Wigner-Ville distribution
% of a discrete-time signal X,
% or the cross Wigner-Ville representation between two signals.
% X : signal if auto-WV, or [X1,X2] if cross-WV.
% T : time instant(s) (default : 1:length(X)).
% N : number of frequency bins (default : length(X)).
% TRACE : if nonzero, the progression of the algorithm is shown
% (default : 0).
% TFR : time-frequency representation. When called without
% output arguments, TFRWV runs TFRQVIEW.
% F : vector of normalized frequencies.
% Example :
% sig=fmlin(128,0.1,0.4); tfrwv(sig);
and I Run
[B,T,F] = tfrwv(data, 1:length(data), length(data), hamming(length(data)/10), hamming(length(data)/4));
and I get
Error using tfrwv
Too many input arguments.
Error in flow_wv (line 8)
[B,T,F] = tfrwv(data, 1:length(data), length(data),
hamming(length(data)/10), hamming(length(data)/4));
I think the problem here is initialising the windows for time and frequency. I am trying to manipulate the both axis, by editing the values of the parameters.
A corresponding Spectrogram of the same data but with axis of right labels is, done by Matlab's default spectrogram function, discussion here:
I think
is equivalent tospectrogram
if you use the following command.Time-interval is
t = 1/360
. Choosefs = 360.5
.There are more peaks in
probably because the window size and overlap are different from what you used inspectrogram
.The result