I have a pdb file and I want to parse the pdb using python and I want to find the following for residues in pdb:
1. hydrophobicity
2. interface topology
3. solvent accessible surface area
I have tried using pybel
file_name = "4hhb.pdb"
allmols = [mol for mol in pybel.readfile("pdb", file_name)]
for mol in allmols:
but, I am only able to see few properties.
'addh', 'atoms', 'calcdesc', 'calcfp', 'charge', 'conformers', 'data', 'dim', 'draw', 'energy', 'exactmass', 'formula', 'localopt', 'make3D', 'molwt', 'removeh', 'spin', 'sssr', 'title', 'unitcell', 'write
How can I find these 3 properties from pdb? I can use any module available in python to get these properties.
As mentioned in this1 answer, BioPython2 provides support for parsing