I am using Thymeleaf + HTML 5. In Search page, it has around 40 fields of text, list and checkbox fields. Below is my code to check whether atleast one field is filled in.
$(document).ready(function() {
searchActionURL = function(obj) {
var atleastOneFilled = checkFields($("#searchForm"));
$("#searchForm").attr("action", obj);
alert('Please specify atleast one search item');
function checkFields(form) {
var checks_radios = form.find(':checkbox, :radio');
var inputs = form.find(':input').not(checks_radios).not('[type="submit"],[type="button"],[type="reset"]');
var checked = checks_radios.filter(':checked');
var filled = inputs.filter(function(){
return $.trim($(this).val()).length > 0;
if(checked.length + filled.length === 0) {
return false;
return true;
I have a hidden field of csrf token which never gets cleared from form. So how can I add exception of csrf token hidden field to my code. So that I can validate whether user entered atleast one search criteria. My current code always says there exists one field(pointing the hidden csrf field) even if I clear all fields in the form. Can any one help me on this issue.
I modified the code to exclude hidden fields.
var inputs = form.find(':input').not(checks_radios).not('[type="submit"],[type="button"],[type="reset"],[type="hidden"]');