To avoid that an imported Library override a specific Java method

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  • I import inside my project, in Netbeans, the external library "Tritonus_remaining_0.3.6" (I import the compiled .jar file)
  • I need to use the mehod "javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(MY_AudioFormat__Target, MY_audio_input_stream__Source)"
  • Tritonus override this method "javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream()" ; I see it because in some cases, when I invoke this javax method, I get an exception on this method indicates the problem in "org.tritonus....."


  • In same cases I DON'T want that Tritonus override this "javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream()" and I want to use the original method of javax package.


  • How to do it, considering that I need that Tritonus library in other parts of my project, then I need to import it?

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