Telegram allows commenting on a channel post or on a generic supergroup message, thanks to message threads.
I get the last messages in the channel
private async Task<TLMessage> GetLastMessage(TLChannel channelFrom)
TLChannelMessages resp = (TLChannelMessages)await _client.GetHistoryAsync(new TLInputPeerChannel()
ChannelId = channelFrom.Id,
AccessHash = channelFrom.AccessHash ?? 0,
}, limit: 1000);
TLMessage lastMessage = (TLMessage)resp.Messages?.Where(x => x is TLMessage).First();
return lastMessage;
I can forward it to another channel / chat:
public async Task ReplyInDiscussion(TLChannel channelFrom, TLChannel chatTo)
TLMessage lastMessage = await GetLastMessage(channelFrom);
TLMessage lastChatMessage = await GetLastForwardMessage(chatTo, channelFrom.Id, lastMessage.Id);
await ReplyTo(chatTo, "Text", lastChatMessage.Id);
public Task ReplyTo(TLChannel channelTo, string message, int? replyMsgId = null)
TLAbsInputPeer to = new TLInputPeerChannel()
ChannelId = channelTo.Id,
AccessHash = channelTo.AccessHash ?? 0,
return ReplyTo(to, message, replyMsgId);
private async Task ReplyTo(TLAbsInputPeer to, string message, int? replyMsgId = null)
var req = new TLRequestSendMessage()
Peer = to,
Message = message,
RandomId = Helpers.GenerateRandomLong(),
ReplyToMsgId = replyMsgId,
await _client.SendRequestAsync<TLUpdates>(req);
I need to leave a comment specifically for the received message
I do not understand how to do this, it is very difficult for me