I have a couple of defined functions that I want to create buttons for in my GUI. A couple of these functions require one or two arguments(numbers) and that is what's causing problems for me. I have thought about a combination between a button and an entry where when I click the specific button(for one of my functions), an entry will pop up where I type in a number. Then when I press enter I want this number to be used as the argument for the function I have binded to my button and then the function should be executed.
1 function I want to bind to a button:
def move(power, tacho_units):
MOTOR_CONTROL.cmd(5, power, tacho_units, speedreg=0, smoothstart=1, brake=0)
We are working with Lego Mindstorms, so Im pretty sure that for example the function above could be a bit confusing for some people.
from Tkinter import *
class App:
def __init__(self, master):
frame = Frame(master)
self.button = Button(frame, text="Move", command=!_______!)
root = Tk()
app = App(root)
Does someone have any suggestions/solutions for me? I would appreciate if someone could help me. Do I create a function(that will open a new window with an entry) that I call when I click the Move button? The numbers(power and tacho_units in this function) that I type into the entry is what I want to be used for the function Move when I press enter.
function to assign function with argumentsor