TIZEN SDB Shell - input tap or touch screen command

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I have experience in Android , just started in Tizen. I know in Android for click/touch screen following command works.

adb shell input tap x y

Now in Tizen input command is not available.

I found fMBT project's tizen-agent , through which we can call:

sendHwFingerDown(x, y, button)

I want to know If there is any SDB or SDB Shell command for the same , to send events like click , touch up , touch down , drag , volume up , volume down , back , menu , power etc to the Tizen Device.



There are 2 answers

dariemihai95 On

I was looking for this as well when I stumbled into the shell of my tizen watch. By running compgen -c | grep "input" to list all available commands and filter it to only display input ones I found there is a command called input_generator_tool which can be used for example as:

input_generator_tool touch tap x y <repeats>


input_generator_tool touch swipe x1 y1 x2 y2

7 years later, hope this answers your question.

Konstantin On

I have looked into the code, and it seems like you need to have root permissions on your device to use it. Basically it uses /dev/input/blabla, which doesn't work from plain sdb shell for my Gear 2 Neo (permission denied).

I work with Gear 2 Neo and for this device sdb doesn't allow root access, unless device is rooted.

My Gear is not rooted, so I cannot check if the fMBT code works. But if you root your device, it could work.