i am trying to build an native companion app for gear s2. I was trying to start build the project but i am stuck at the point that i dunno how to set up the Samsung Accessory Protocol. I have read this native-companion/setup but it seems to be unclear for me to follow. Could anyone give me tutorials or some resources to read on how to set up the communication between watch and Android app (step by step would be perfect) Thanks alot!
Tizen native companion Application. Any good sources to follow to start the development?
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Follow the Samsung Accessory SDK programming guide. You can get it from here. You need to install Samsung Gear Manager on your Android phone in order to pair your Samsung Gear.
To use SAP in your gear app follow this.
API Reference for Tizen Wearable Native is here.
Download the Accessory SDK sample app from here.
From Tizen IDE you can also get help.
Go to Tizen IDE> Help > Dynamic Help >Samsung Extension for Wearable Native > Programming Guide