Tizen code to control the samung gear s3 watch buttons

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I am trying to write a tizen program which has to do the following

  • When I do long press of any watch button then it has to call the specific emergency number

I do not find any sample code anywhere .. Did anyone already tried something like this?


There are 1 answers

Shaswati Saha On BEST ANSWER

In Tizen native you can implement this by following the process below:

  1. At first register a smartcallback to the button using the following line of code:

evas_object_smart_callback_add(ad->button, "clicked", _btn_clicked, ad);

  1. After that write the _btn_clicked callback as below:

static void _btn_clicked(void *user_data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
   app_control_h app_control = NULL;
   app_control_set_app_id(app_control, "com.samsung.call");
   app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "number", THE_NUMBER_YOU_WANT_TO_CALL);
   app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "launch-type", "MO");
   if(app_control_send_launch_request(app_control, NULL, NULL) == APP_CONTROL_ERROR_NONE)
     dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, "test", "error");


NOTE: Don't forget to add the lines below in the manifest file:


I've shown the implementation for simple click event. You can implement the call action for a long press event in a similar way. For the implementation of long press event follow this link.