Titanium module compiles but can't compile with project showing x86_64 failure

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I was trying to use the TiMediaPicker from the Marketplace but it had problems recognising the module. So I went to the source at https://github.com/lowb1rd/TiMediaPicker and tried to compile it.

While xCode did compile it, after I put the module in a Titanium project while trying to run the project I get the following compilation error:

[ERROR] :  The following build commands failed:
[ERROR] :   Ld build/Intermediates/TestModule.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/TestModule.build/Objects-normal/x86_64/TestModule normal x86_64
[ERROR] :  (1 failure)

I've created an entirely new Titanium module and started coping code to it. It seems that what's causing the problems is this line:

library  = [[ALAssetsLibrary alloc] init];

But I have no idea why. Is this an x86 library? does it have alternatives?


There are 1 answers

jasonkneen On

Try http://github.com/BouncingFish/timediapicker -- a rewrite from scratch that works with iCloud etc.