I am intending to develop in the near future a web app for planning a route using my local public transportation system. I will be using Google Maps and I would like to hear some tips on how should I start planning this project for maximum efficiency (how should I store the stations, lines, times for each line, common stations etc, and also how to draw a route following roads - not just a straight line between two points). Thank you!
Tips for setting up a public transportation route planner
1k views Asked by linkyndy At
There are 2 answers

There's a defacto standard way to encode and interchange transit data. Lots of transit agencies are releasing their data in Google Transit Feed Spec format. You might check to see if your agency has already done so. There are also open source tools for dealing with GTFS. For instance: http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/
Public Transportation in Metropolitan Areas you can use the google maps api
How to get Google Maps Public Transit Directions by HTTP server-side request