Tipfy How to use secure cookies to store a cookie in google app engine

104 views Asked by At

I'm trying to implement stay signed in options using tipfy though I'mm not allowed to use the default Tipfy mechanism. This is what I have tried so far,

    secure_cookie_store = [SecureCookieStore()]
    user_cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
    user_cookie['current_user'] = pickle.dumps(profile_user)
    user_cookie['current_user']['max-age'] = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
    response = Response()
                        secure_cookie_store.get_signed_value('current_user', 'hello'),

I'm having a problem of instantiating the SecureCookieStore() Object. what argument should I need to pass for its constructor. Please note that i wrote this code segment inside a handler implemented by the request handler. I will be thankful if anyone provide me a proper answer.


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