Timestamp shows without '+' symbol and replaces '+' symbol with space in Jmeter/Blazemeter recording

208 views Asked by At

Timestamp shows without '+' symbol and replaces '+' symbol with space in Jmeter/Blazemeter recording. How to make it work/dynamically consider '+' always in the space when performing load test.

The current Blazemeter recording of our app search shows below POST call payload with time stamp value: "to":"2017-12-20T10:42:08 05:30"

can observe in the above after 08 there is space whereas it should be 08+5:30.

on the browser shows correctly with + symbol. Please suggest how to make it always considering 08+5:30 when run for more users.

If run the script without + symbol getting 500 error, ,after manually changing able to get 200 code.


There are 1 answers


+ used as a space only in application/x-www-form-urlencoded content, such as the query part of a URL. see URL and plus signs.

You try to compare values before (with +) and after URL decoding (without +)