Timeout POSTING to S3 from iOS using signed URLS

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My server is generating info for a signed upload to S3. When I pass that info on to iOS, it works for small files. Sometimes it works for bigger ones as well, but it often times out. I am currently testing on iOS 7 over WIFI. It's typical for it to time out after about 60% on an approximately 35 MB file, but sometimes it completes and sometimes it times out sooner.

My server generates the following info, which I pass on as form parts to my POST. (I also tried it as parameters with similar results):

  • AWSAccessKeyId
  • Content-Type
  • acl (set to private)
  • bucket
  • key
  • policy
  • signature
  • success_action_redirect

as well as a URL.

Here is my code that generates the upload:

AFHTTPRequestOperation *op = [manager POST:url
                 constructingBodyWithBlock:^(id<AFMultipartFormData> formData)
              if( throttle )
                  [formData throttleBandwidthWithPacketSize:kAFUploadStream3GSuggestedPacketSize delay:kAFUploadStream3GSuggestedDelay];
              for( id key in parameters ) {
                  NSString *val = parameters[key];                      
                  [formData appendPartWithFormData:[val dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] name:key];
              NSError *error;
              if( ![formData appendPartWithFileURL:videoUrl name:@"file" fileName:@"movie.mov" mimeType:@"video/quicktime" error:&error] ) {
                  // handle the error

          } success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
               failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
                   if( error.code == -1021 && !throttle ) {
                       //try again with throttle:

                   NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
                   // handle error

This generates the following error:

Error: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out." UserInfo=0x1aa15130 {NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=XXX, NSErrorFailingURLKey=XXX, NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out., NSUnderlyingError=0x1ab94290 "The request timed out."}


There are several similar questions on SO I should mention. A lot of people have trouble with Heroku timeouts, but I'm uploading directly to S3.

This person seems to have the same problem uploading to his own server: - Uploading large files on iOS with AFNetworking - error Request Timeout

This question looks like a similar problem using the AWS library, but they don't provide any code:

Uploading to Amazon-S3 via AFNetworking

This issue seems related, but looking at the source, it seems that length is taken into account when posting a file:



There are 2 answers

otusweb On

For those who end up on this page. The pressigned URL probably had an "expires" value that is too short for the upload. I touch on this at Taming the AWS framework to upload a large file to S3 for iOS. Look for "CREATE THE PARTS' UPLOAD REQUESTS", it covers setting that value. I managed to upload 500Mb file this way.

Ariel Nitzan On

It happens to me on video files as well, mp4 files. The thing is that my video files are small (2-5MB max).

I'm using AWSiOSSD 2.5.2, iPhones 6s 7 and 7plus with versions 10+ (including the latest ver).

No workarounds worked so far, including otusweb answer posted 6 months ago on this thread.