Timeout logs in Rivr Dialogues

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I am having timeout log entries for every Dialogue request in my Rivr VoiceXML application. I have watched the com.nuecho.rivr.core.channel.Timeout's in the doTurn methods and that's ok but I keep getting these logs, which are out of my code and so don't know how to catch and prevent the log file get full of them:

2015-09-21T19:03:02.29+0200 [App/0]      ERR [err] [Dialogue adef5e0c-4b6d-4f9a-9246-db8c3afadda9] INFO com.nuecho.rivr.dialogue - Dialogue ended.
2015-09-21T19:03:02.29+0200 [App/0]      ERR [err] Exception in thread "Dialogue adef5e0c-4b6d-4f9a-9246-db8c3afadda9" 
2015-09-21T19:03:02.29+0200 [App/0]      ERR [err] java.lang.RuntimeException: Timeout while sending final result.
2015-09-21T19:03:02.29+0200 [App/0]      ERR [err]  at com.nuecho.rivr.core.channel.synchronous.SynchronousDialogueChannel$1.run(SynchronousDialogueChannel.java:242)
2015-09-21T19:03:02.29+0200 [App/0]      ERR [err]  at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
2015-09-21T19:03:02.29+0200 [App/0]      ERR [err] Caused by: 
2015-09-21T19:03:02.29+0200 [App/0]      ERR [err] com.nuecho.rivr.core.channel.Timeout: Timed-out in send() after 5 seconds (5000 ms) in [dialogue to controller]
2015-09-21T19:03:02.29+0200 [App/0]      ERR [err]  at com.nuecho.rivr.core.channel.synchronous.SynchronousDialogueChannel.send(SynchronousDialogueChannel.java:405)
2015-09-21T19:03:02.29+0200 [App/0]      ERR [err]  at com.nuecho.rivr.core.channel.synchronous.SynchronousDialogueChannel.access$600(SynchronousDialogueChannel.java:97)
2015-09-21T19:03:02.29+0200 [App/0]      ERR [err]  at com.nuecho.rivr.core.channel.synchronous.SynchronousDialogueChannel$1.run(SynchronousDialogueChannel.java:239)
2015-09-21T19:03:02.30+0200 [App/0]      ERR [err]  ... 1 more

Maybe I have to take any action with the com.nuecho.rivr.core.channel.Timeout I catch in my Dialogue code to prevent them (currently I just return with a

return new Exit("exit");

Thanks for any help


There are 1 answers

gawi On

Probably, you are passing a time-out in the `DialogueUtils.doTurn() method. So you use:

doTurn(O outputTurn, DialogueContext<I,O> context, Duration timeout)

instead of the timeout-less version.

doTurn(O outputTurn, DialogueContext<I,O> context)

In some cases, your VoiceXML platform does not provide an answer to your dialogue within the specified time-out. This will trigger the Timeout exception. The dialogue will terminate and the last step of the dialogue (an exception in this case) cannot be consumed by the DialogServlet because there is no HttpServletRequest active in this case (the timeout occurs while VoiceXML platform is executing a document).

So ultimately, you don't want time-out to happen because it prevents you from controlling the dialogue. Time-out exists as safety nets. If for some reason the VoiceXML platform stop sending turns to your dialog, it has to terminate and free resources.

Note: Maybe it has nothing to do with what you are trying to accomplish but if you are doing a recording, you may want to set the maximumTime property of your Recordinginstead of setting a time-out value in doTurn(). If you want to put a time-out in doTurn() as a safety net, use a value which is bigger than the maximumTime property + the duration of all the prompts before recording. This way, the VoiceXML platform will raise an error and will send it back to your dialog. You are now able to control what happens next in your callflow. In this case you will have maxTime=true in your recording result.

I'd recommend that you check in your VoiceXmlInputTurn for a connection.disconnect.hangup event and exit the dialogue more cleanly if it is present.

Something like:

package com.nuecho.rivr.cookbook.dialogue;

import static com.nuecho.rivr.core.dialogue.DialogueUtils.*;

import com.nuecho.rivr.core.channel.*;
import com.nuecho.rivr.core.util.*;
import com.nuecho.rivr.voicexml.dialogue.*;
import com.nuecho.rivr.voicexml.turn.first.*;
import com.nuecho.rivr.voicexml.turn.input.*;
import com.nuecho.rivr.voicexml.turn.last.*;
import com.nuecho.rivr.voicexml.turn.output.*;
import com.nuecho.rivr.voicexml.turn.output.audio.*;

public class Dialogue implements VoiceXmlDialogue {

    public VoiceXmlLastTurn run(VoiceXmlFirstTurn firstTurn, VoiceXmlDialogueContext context)
            throws Timeout, InterruptedException {

        try {
            Message message = new Message("message", new SpeechSynthesis("Hello World!"));
            VoiceXmlInputTurn inputTurn = doTurn(message, context, Duration.milliseconds(1200));
            if (VoiceXmlEvent.hasEvent(VoiceXmlEvent.CONNECTION_DISCONNECT_HANGUP, inputTurn.getEvents())) { 
                throw new CallerDisconnect(); 
        } catch (CallerDisconnect callerDisconnect) {
            return new Exit("exit-error");

        return new Exit("exit-normal");

    public static class CallerDisconnect extends Exception {
        public CallerDisconnect() {}


Likewise, it would be good to check for other event like noinput, nomatch, error, etc. depending on the kind of turn you're processing and do something accordingly.