Time stamp in influxDB v3 client

85 views Asked by At

I made a influxdb v3 client using node.js and giving line: line=emp,name=Rakesh age=28.0,weight=44.0 this line got saved with timestamp 1700633869044.8845 now if I want to update the age I'm running this line line=emp,name=Rakesh age=28.0,weight=44.0 1700633869044.8845

but await client.write(line, database) giving me this error statusCode: 400, statusMessage: 'Bad Request', body: {"code":"invalid","message":"failed to parse line protocol: errors encountered on line(s):\\nerror parsing line 1 (1-based): Could not parse entire line. Found trailing content: '.8845'","line":1}, contentType: undefined

I think it's because the timestamp is in floating point. Please help me with it


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